Supported Employment Program provides competitive, community-based, employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. Job coaches work with individuals in areas such as job readiness, placement and retention. Beyond that, offering any specialized support that a person may need in order to be successfully employed in their individual placements. Job coaches work with individuals in areas such as job readiness, placement and retention, offering any specialized support that a person may need in order to be successfully employed in their individual placement. We also offer “Partners in Industry” programs at Harlequin Distribution Center. These programs bring together persons with and without disabilities.

We are pleased to be an approved provider of ACCES-VR services such as: Youth Employment Services, Diagnostic Vocational Evaluations, Work Readiness training, Direct Job Placement, Intensive and Follow-along Supported Employment services. 

Transition Services through direct contacts with school districts. sasi provides school to work transition services such as: diagnostic vocational evaluations, work study programs, job readiness training, career assessments, job shadowing, internships, job coaching and placement services.

Pathway to Employment is a person-centered employment planning and support service that provides assistance for individuals to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self-employment. These services are provided in community settings and opportunities based on vocational interests and needed skills.

This service offers an individualized planning process that helps individuals identify a career or vocational direction. Pathway to Employment also provides instruction and training in job readiness skills and develops a plan for achieving competitive, integrated employment at or above the New York State minimum wage. Within 12 months the outcome of this service is documentation of the participant’s stated career objective; a detailed career plan used to guide individual employment supports; and preparation for supported employment services.

For more information on these programs, please contact one of the following:

Shannon Nasca – Vice President of Business and Community Initiatives – (716) 805-1555
Bridgette Zittel – Director of Supported Employment – (716) 805-1555