sasi offers a few options for Day Program Services. Check them out below and see how we can help the individual in your life!
Group Day Habilitation provides programs designed to fit an individual’s specific needs. This is a healthier option rather than simply placing the person in an existing program. These services are meant to promote the integration of the individual into the community. This is accomplished by helping them acquire new skills, meet friends, and pursue their own specific areas of interest.
Community Habilitation offers services to individuals in their homes and in the community. The program helps them acquire new skills according to their interests, supports their efforts to live as independently as possible, and promotes inclusion in their community.
OPWDD Day Services
Sometimes there is a waitlist to receive day services depending on which program you apply to. Once we receive the application for the service the individual chooses, we process the packet of information through our intake department. Once the paperwork is processed, we contact the MSC and family to set up a tour of the program. After a tour of the program, a referral committee reviews the application and sees if there are services available for the individual and if they can support the person. If there are no service opportunities for day program, we would place the person on a waitlist. If a program or service opportunity becomes available, the intake coordinator will contact the MSC and family.
Find eligibility requirements here. For more information on Day Program Services, please contact our Intake Department at (716) 805-1555 ext 226.
Day programs will be closed: Jan. 1, May 27, July 4, Sept. 2, Nov. 28-29, Dec. 24-25.