After more than 40 years with sasi, including 10 as the organization’s president and CEO, Anthony Annunziato is retiring at the end of May.
Tony’s life’s work has been a dedication to the sasi mission to transform the lives of people with disabilities and special needs. Since joining sasi in 1978, he has championed the cause of helping people with developmental disabilities reach their full potential as contributing members of society.
Tony has spent the bulk of his professional career with sasi, helping the agency grow and expand. He has been an integral part of the core of the organization starting in his career in a direct care/supervisory role at sasi’s first workshop in Boston, NY.
“I am excited at the prospect of spending more time with family and friends but will truly miss my sasi family,” Annunziato said. “I have spent the past 44 years doing a job that I love, surrounded by a passionate team of staff and volunteers, championing a mission that I strongly believe in. I greatly appreciate your dedication to this same mission. It has been my pleasure working with you as a member of the sasi staff. Your commitment to bettering the lives of the individuals we support is greatly appreciated.”
Sasi’s Board of Directors is currently seeking the appropriate successor to continue to lead the organization and we look forward to sharing that information with you once a decision has been made. Please join me in congratulating Tony on his retirement. While we will miss Tony’s steadfast leadership, we look forward to this next chapter with anticipation and excitement.