It’s no secret that many of sasi’s individuals are quite good artists. Painting, drawing, and sculpting are used frequently in our residences and day habilitation facilities to support and promote artistic expression.
In our Heiler residence, they have even created their own little art gallery where they display their work.
“At Heiler, we have the gentlemen do creative things daily,” said Lesa VanSon, residential manager. “Some of the activities include painting, wood burning, plastic canvas needlepoint, and coloring. I also have some birdhouse gourds here for the guys to use. It is my opinion that to put energy into creativity, it opens the mind to positive thinking and allows a person to live more mindfully.”
The artists are all hoping — and we are, too — that the annual sasi Artisan Show will return this year. It was canceled last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. If it returns, they will be able to showcase and even sell their art to the public. We would all love to see that.